A sound mind in a sound body.

Sneha NS
2 min readMay 21, 2021


Should we really know enough when it comes to our mental health?

Isn’t that the objective? To have a healthy, sound, and active mind and body. Although the modern world tends to place a strong emphasis on the outward appearance and how an individual appears, we seem to shy away from discussions about the mind and mental wellbeing.

What is the explanation for this?

Your mental health and physical health are more connected than you think. Envision your mental health and physical health as two sides of a shiny new coin. On the mental health side is your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Flip it over, and you and you will find your physical well-being. What happens when you keep one side shiny and clean, and the other side dirty and dull?

Particularly amidst the current pandemic?

We all know that the coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on life as we know it over the last few months. Pandemics were definitely not on our radar as we reached the new decade of 2020, and words like social-distancing, flattening the curve, and self-quarantine were not on the lips of the general public. Taking care of our physical well-being seems to be the new standard. But what about our mental health? You could be experiencing an emotional rollercoaster right now, making you more irritable, sad, or nervous than normal. Bear in mind, though, that learning to deal with stress healthily will make you, the people you care for, and those around you more resilient.

Not only in this pandemic, as in all, a healthy mind is also critical. When you’re worried about something, your thoughts race and tangle with one another. They replay situations over and over again as if attempting to persuade reality to bend in your favour. These thoughts may be about the past or future, money, relationships, or survival, but they are almost always futile. Your mind must be relaxed. Since body and mind are intertwined, it allows a man to have a contented mind, which in turn leads to a healthy body and a fulfilling existence. As a result, a sound mind will work with a healthy attitude if it is housed in a sound body. This suggests that our emotions, feelings, values, and behaviours will influence our biological functions positively or negatively. To put it the other way, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are, implying that the mind-body relation is true and has a significant effect on our overall health.

