Sneha NS
2 min readJun 7, 2021


I was perplexed to choose my career after certain failures.

“Risk something or forever sit with your dreams.”

“Definitely. Forget about your dreams. Focus on what’s good for you, and strip away the distractions.”

Two pieces of advice from my best friends which are completely contradictory.

Now, how do I take these advice?

We have two ears, two eyes, two holes in nostrils, and only one mouth. So that our input should be twice our output.

Even though these are contrary to each other, I Listen to whatever people say, it will make them feel important and comfortable around me, but I follow what my mind speaks. I need to be independent and persistent, and that’s why I choose to go with the first advice this time.

Whenever my friends share some travel story, joke, movie review, career advice, opinion, or say some nonsense. I Curb out those and keep all the important information with me. Like we peel out pomegranate to get nice, sweet, and healthy grains, I peel out the unwanted contents and keep sweet talks to myself which will help me to get a good impression.

When people ask me if I should do this or that, I respond, “I think it’s great and you should give it a try with that”. But deep down I know I simply cannot answer like that. It’s like wondering if the same day will be rainy next year. When I don’t have enough information to make a choice or provide them with anything useful, I personally feel it’s important to make that person feel confident about their idea in the first place.

Advice, according to me, is like a custom-tailored suit, which is unique for each and every person. Even though advice can fit everyone, it must be specific to the problem, the person, and most importantly the situation. Getting advice isn’t a wrong idea, but if you need it, choose a person who knows you very well or who has been in it before.

