How does it feel to be “unappreciated”?

Sneha NS
1 min readMar 9, 2024


Hey there!

Ever found yourself in a situation where your efforts went unnoticed and uncelebrated? Maybe your hard work on a project was overlooked by your manager, or you accomplished something significant, but the recognition you expected never came from someone important in your life.

Instead of dwelling on the feeling of being unappreciated, consider exploring the reasons behind it. Perhaps your manager assumed the task was easy for you, or they expressed gratitude in a subtle way that went unnoticed. People have different ways of showing appreciation, and sometimes it’s just not in their nature to be overtly expressive.

In these moments, it’s crucial to trust your progress. Reflect on where you started and acknowledge the hard work you put into your achievements. Rather than getting stuck on the lack of acknowledgement, keep moving forward with determination.
Trust me, your time to shine will come at the right place and the right time.

