Sneha NS
2 min readApr 12, 2021


I would like to publish my first blog with the most important topic. Here it is!

Google says Injustice is a quality relating to unfairness or undeserved outcomes. Even though year after year, confident, courageous, intelligent, and determined women from all over the country make it big and roar ‘success’ in various fields, the darker side is full of gloom, grief, and distrust. Millions of girls and women around the world face injustices and are victims of gender-based violence which in turn is one of the barriers for them to succeed in their life. Forcing girls into early marriage and being denied education is still happening in rural areas.

Once Emma Watson quoted that “it’s time that we see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.” Gender inequality is the key driver for the denial of women’s rights which undoubtedly results in Unequal treatment of women at home and workplace. Often women suffer from exploitation, unequal pay for equal work, lack of promotions, and sexual harassment in the workplace. When half of the women’s population are reaching greater heights, the rest half faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power.

Women’s safety and health is also an important area to be concerned. Where there is an economic or cultural preference for sons, female foeticide after pregnancy tests is still on the hike. Many adolescent girls become victims of sexual abuse both on the internet and otherwise, exploitation and violence, acid attacks, rape, or even HIV/AIDS. There are still cases reporting that many women are tortured physically, economically, and emotionally after their marriage by their husband and in-laws. Women are sometimes not provided proper medical care and healthy food during and after her pregnancy and she is often compelled to abort a female fetus.

Approximately one-quarter of girls in the developing world do not attend schools. Girls scoring higher marks in schools than boys and ending up staying home the rest of their life is the sarcastic thing happening in many communities. The mean thought of sending boys to work and girls as labor for household chores must be broken. Prioritizing girl’s education is the wisest way to get rid of most of the problems faced by women.

An educated girl is more likely to have an independent life.

