Sneha NS
2 min readMay 23, 2021


While the younger me hated the word teaching, badminton was the only exception. I was always on cloud nine when it comes to teaching badminton for my juniors. Like other sports, Badminton teaches you a lot about life. For me, the most important lesson was to get the basic available rights and then try other shots. The real game of Badminton is very different from playing the childish gully Badminton. It involves much focus, dedication and discipline.

I did not realize it much then but in this process of playing and teaching badminton to kids in my area, taught me few lessons. I started teaching kids once I crossed my 8th grade. I used to play badminton in my school after school hours and then returned home to teach the kids near my house. First I taught them the basics of badminton like how to grip the racket , hit a smash, move around the court, how to defend and how to score. If you master the basics of the game then you will start enjoying the sport. By learning the basics you can do various tricks and will be able to ace various skills. I always relate badminton to my life lessons. On each and every hit, I learn what I want to do, why I want it and how to handle it. It just makes things very simple.

Apart from this, I taught them about self-awareness . While playing, knowing which stance will help you defend you opponent’s weakness will give you more power. Basic limitations like knowing which shot you can hit and which to leave is all very crucial. Not everything in life requires brawns, few things just require brains. Likewise , hitting smashes can make a lot of difference in your game. But knowing how to hit them is very important. Most of the problems in life is solved once you stop believing that you are physically weak and cannot do a particular task.

That is one of the aspects of playing any sport, despite learning and teaching several things, several hard things, it is still fun and I still choose to continue playing badminton. While the darker phase of my life didn’t allow me to pursue my dream, those kids whom I taught to play are still reaching heights in this field and seeing them achieve more makes me happy always.